Join Michael, Henry, Larry, and Steve as they debrief the recent collaboration with Connecting Leadership Resources (CLR) in Dakar, Senegal.
Leadership Seminar in Senegal
Dakar, Senegal -
Today, our team, including our Executive Director, Henry Deneen, and CGS Board members Larry Cox and Steve Jones presented on several topics to a group of eager professionals. The seminar is being hosted by a friend and associate of CGS, and we were eager and excited to take part.
Check out a few photos and stay tuned for a debriefing interview here on the CGS website.

Business Serbia launch
Belgrade, Serbia-
It was an awesome experience
- Danko Dudok, Serbian businessman, host and translator
On Saturday, May 07, 2022, the CGS team hosted a business seminar with friends in Serbia, designed to equip local small businesses with tools and tips for growth. Over 25 people were in attendance, representing industries as diverse as consumer services, childcare, personal care services, and commercial renovation. The three presenters from CGS each led 1.5 hour interactive discussions with attendees on the subjects of leadership, marketing/social media, and emotional intelligence for leaders.
CGS’s local partner, Danko Dudok, said "We had a great time at the business seminar with entrepreneurs from six cities across Serbia and a great team of international trainers. It was an awesome experience to welcome our first CGS training in our country. We really look forward to seeing the next practical steps in our partnership---great things are ahead of us, no doubt.”
Dr. Finzel, conference speaker and best-selling author, said of the event - “Our hosts used our visit and our seminars to launch ‘Business Serbia,’ a band of entrepreneurs wanting to incubate small businesses all over Serbia. In addition to our training, we were able to visit several small businesses and see their great ideas and innovation.”
Representing the technology industry, Michael said “It was encouraging to see that so many people are asking the same kinds of questions that firms all over the world aim to solve - namely, "How do we understand our audience?" And "What marketing activities should we plan for?" I was glad to take part in the CGS training event, not only for the chance to share about my perspective, but to learn from others as well.”
Finally, Henry Deneen, Executive Director of CGS, believes this is only the beginning of a valuable, constantly- evolving partnership in Serbia. We are already planning a return seminar later this year to build on the successes of this first seminar and support and encourage our friends and partners in the development of "Business Serbia".
Stay tuned for more details. Perhaps you could be part of the next adventure!
Preventing Disaster - article from Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon 2022 -
Preventing Disaster
“Yes, I have thought about suicide.”
“I am worried about my friend. She seems to have given up on life.”
“Yes, I have thought about suicide.”
“I am worried about my friend. She seems to have given up on life.”
Sadly, these words were shared at a Suicide Prevention workshop we were privileged to give at Beirut’s Haigazian University in November. These kinds of words are heard not just in Lebanon but all over the world. Suicide rates have escalated over the past two years. The pandemic, isolation, social media bullying, abuse…all have contributed to these feelings of despair to the point where more and more people are considering taking their life. My husband and I kept hearing this call for help…and this desperation in people’s lives led us to pursue becoming registered trainers in suicide prevention and trauma care so we could share Suicide Prevention and Trauma Care presentations wherever a door opens locally and worldwide. This topic causes people who have experienced this despair or who have been touched by the ripple effects of suicide to be very vulnerable as they listen and share. This often leads to opportunities to talk about truth and hope during individual conversations at breaks or after the workshops.
I have enjoyed traveling to Beirut 16 times over the past 11 years sharing with Lebanese Society for Education and Social Ministries (LSESD) in education, refugee work, children’s camps, and with medical teams. On this trip, my husband, Dale, came as well as Dr. Carolyn Bishop, President of Consortium for Global Education, and Dr. Jeff Moore from Anderson University. One of the main purposes of this trip was to provide workshops that dealt with the stress of life for university students, teachers, professors, counselors and social workers for Haigazian University and Beirut Baptist School. Dale and I taught about how to recognize the signs of suicide and not miss, dismiss or avoid them as well as what to do when you are concerned that someone has reached that level of despair. As an educator, I was especially concerned about the teachers and professors because I knew how difficult these past two years have been in Lebanon. We discussed “The Cost of Caring” and how their own caring hearts for their students have been wounded as they carried such a burden for their wounded students. Knowledge was given, hope was shared, and they were applauded for all they have done and continue to do. Dr. Moore and I were able to share thoughts about trauma healing from the aspect of how the brain handles trauma as well as how our heart reacts to trauma.
The Lebanese are amazing, beautiful people! They are weary yet they continue to live life through extremely difficult circumstances. Their resilience is strong but they need our prayers, our support and encouragement. It was a blessing to go and share life with them for a little while. Carolyn introduced me to Lebanon in 2011 and she and I have traveled there many times together seeking ways to serve alongside of our friends at LSESD. This was Dale and Jeff’s first trip but without a doubt, I am sure it will not be their last. Our four hearts came back to the States full of thankfulness for our friends there, for the work they continue to do for their people and the refugees in their land and eager to find more ways to support them.
As doors continue to open under the umbrella of our partner organizations, Center for Global Strategies and Consortium for Global Education, Dale and I are thankful for opportunities to go locally and overseas to share this important information about suicide prevention and trauma care in hopes we can make a difference in people’s lives and give them hope.
Brenda Brown, Ph.D
Training in Serbia - May 7-8
Belgrade, Serbia 2022 -
If you can read Serbian, we are excited to share our program agenda with you for a training coming this weekend with our business partners in Belgrade.
Several attendees will be joining us for a multi-part seminar and business partnership weekend; we will be excited to share the results with you here, and encourage you to stay tuned for more updates.
CGS Videocast: Episode 2
Join Michael, Henry, and Steve as they discuss upcoming initiatives in Belgrade, Dakar, Haiti, and beyond.
CGS Podcast: Episode 1
Executive Director Henry Deneen and Board Member Steve Jones discuss the upcoming initiatives CGS will be sponsoring in 2021 and 2022 in this short interview.
Enabling through Training in the Balkans
Belgrade, Serbia -
Last weekend, the Center for Global Strategies traveled to the Balkan peninsula for an exploratory trip intended to both establish first-time relationships and to understand the needs of the Serbian business and social outreach communities; ultimately, the trip was designed for CGS to learn about partnership possibilities in these communities.
As shared in our previous post, CGS Executive Director, Henry Deneen, and Board Member, Steve Jones traveled from the U.S. to Belgrade, where they were joined by another friend of CGS living in Germany. Together, the three made several new contacts and got to know new friends to discuss strategies and future initiatives.
One new friend of CGS, a former Iranian refugee now living in Serbia and who works for UNHCR offering services in the camps, met with staff to discuss felt needs in the trauma counseling arena – one of CGS’s key areas of expertise. The UNHCR operates 14 refugee camps in Serbia, and a positive discussion was held about the potential of performing free trauma counseling to both victims of trauma and the workers they work with either inside or outside of the refugee centers.
In addition, CGS met friends in the business arena – a husband and wife team who also form a partnership and have successfully launched 3 businesses in the Belgrade community. Together they discussed the potential of holding a 1-2 day conference in Belgrade within 3-6 months.
In summary, the trip was a resounding success, and follow-up actions are being discussed to hold an all-day training on Saturday and half-day training on Sunday, with experts and contributors in several key areas including: emotional intelligence in business settings, mergers and acquisitions, business planning and business development, and others.
Are you interested in working with CGS to form international friendships? Do you have an area of expertise on which you could present, to add value to the program? Please let us know, and stay tuned to this space for more information on dates and other details. Contact us to let us know your thoughts here.
Belgrade Initiative Preview
CGS in Belgrade, Serbia -
Representing the Center for Global Strategies, our Executive Director, Henry Deneen, and Board Member, Steve Jones, traveled from the United States over the last few days to meet with new friends and contacts across several industries and areas of influence in Serbia.
Some positive meetings were held with key influencers, and doors were opened during this exploratory trip, including meeting with contacts working with the UNHCR, addiction recovery, and wider business communities.
As these relationships unfold and strategies for catalyzing international friendships are fleshed out, more information will be shared here, so stay tuned to the CGS website or please feel free to drop us a note to request additional information here.
Upcoming Initiatives: Serbia and England
In August, the CGS Board decided together at during its 2021 Board meeting on upcoming initiatives for the remainder of the calendar year.
The first trips will include an exploratory trip to Serbia on Oct. 15-19 to investigate potential partnerships, as well as a trip to England in November, working with both refugees and the professionals caring for them on the tropic of trauma care.
Stay tuned to this space for updates and information on how to get involved.